PLEASE NOTE: This page of resources is from our old website. Some links may be broken. We are working to get these and other resources up on our digital resources page here.
- A Brief History of the Town of Fairhaven [max edited] 2018 04 18 PREPARED IN CONNECTION WITH THE CELEBRATION OF OLD HOME WEEK JULY 26-31, 1903 BY JAMES L. GILLINGHAM, CYRUS D. HUNT, LEWIS S. JUDD, JR. [and] GEORGE H. TRIPP (aka Historical Sketch). Thanks to Max Isaksen for this searchable pdf of the text.
- OLD-TIME FAIRHAVEN, Erstwhile Eastern New Bedford by Charles A. Harris. Thanks to Max Isaksen for providing us with this (large) searchable pdf of this history of Fairhaven. Please let us know if you find typos.(We can’t vounch for the veracity of the text!)
- East Fairhaven History – Book One by Natalie S. Hemingway Presented through the generosity of her family.
- The Millicent Library Guestbook — When the library’s original visitor book was filled up, it was rebound and digitized. It is available for viewing up to 1923.
- The Millicent Library Archives Department
- Henry Huttleston Rogers Page
- Her Ladyship— Lady Fairhaven by Mabel Hoyle Knipe
- Czar of Fairhaven: A Portrait of John I. Bryant by Mabel Hoyle Knipe
- Martha Simon The last native American in Fairhaven is visited by Henry David Thoreau.
- Mary Ann Tripp The first American woman to circumnavigate the globe and to visit China
- Fairhaven Honor Roll–This memorial was on Bridge Street. It listed the names of World War II verterans in Fairhaven. The panels have names missing. Help us fill in the blanks!
- Civil War soldier stationed at Fort Phoenix writes home to parents. Another eBay find!
- Charles Brigham – Our Architect — A New England Architect and his works by Oscar Fay Adams (1907). Various short newspaper articles about Charles Brigham
- Joshua Slocum Page
- Artists of This Vicinity by Mrs. Elwyn Campbell, 1921
- Manjiro Nakahama Information page telling the story of the rescue and education of Manjiro Nakahama who came to Fairhaven in 1843.
- Whitfield-Manjiro Friendship Society. Official page of the friendship between Fairhaven and Tosashimizu, Manjiro’s home town.
- The Massachusetts Cultural Resource Information System (MACRIS) is a database on the Massachusetts Historical Commission website. It contains, among other things, the scans of a survey that was done on houses in Fairhaven in the 1970s. We can’t vouch for the accuracy of all the information, but it will give you a starting point.
- About Our High School booklets – 1954 Edition and 1966 Edition. Thanks to Max Isaksen
- Atlas Tack clippings scrapbook – input by volunteer Matt Foster
- Picture Postcard History of Fairhaven – book by Spinner Pub. and Postcard Collaborative. Available from Spinner, Baker Books, Euro Phoenix (near the library). Profits to go to Millicent Library Archives Fund.
- Old Time Fairhaven by Charles Harris is now back in print. All three volumes in one. You can order them from Higginson Books.
- Brochure on Little Bay Camp
- Plymouth Archaeological Rediscovery Project
- House of Transition— Tabitha Inn (Our Lady’s Haven) by Mabel Hoyle Knipe
- The First Gift — Rogers School by Mabel Hoyle Knipe
- Story of a Town House — Fairhaven Town Hall by Mabel Hoyle Knipe.
- Fairhaven Center, 1890s–We have been fortunate enough to received some negatives from Philip Peralta-Ramos, great-great-grandson of Henry H. Rogers. They were taken from the Fairhaven Town Hall during its construction, so date from the early 1890s.
Jay Avila digitized them and stitched them into a panorama. Max Isaksen and Deb Charpentier facilitated the donation on behalf of the library. - Little StoriesFrom a Small Town — Fairhaven vignettes by Mabel Hoyle Knipe.
- Thee Will Fill It Up — Cushman Park by Mabel Hoyle Knipe
- Following the Star— Story of the Waldrons and the Fairhaven Star Newspaper by Mabel Hoyle Knipe
- Monuments and Memorials in Fairhaven Take a look at this work compiled by Veterans Agent Jim Cochran
- Old Stone Schoolhouse by Christopher Richard
- Oxford School
- The Story of Fairhaven (1929) by Thomas Tripp
- The History of Sconticut Neck by Mabel Potter written in 1945.
- Knollmere Beach Association
- Old-Time Fairhaven History Page
- Stuffed Squirrel Orchestra Page— answers one of the library’s most FAQ
- Hair wreath, circa 1850’s, made for Congregational Church minister with hair from 22 members of the flock. Purchased for the Millicent Library in memory of Curtis Lopes.
- Recipes! If you’re nostalgic about the French meat pie and apple crisp you used to eat at Fairhaven High School or want to try pear-rum pie, you can get Ellen Iddon’s and Steve Foster’s recipes and cook them up for your class reunion. Also available is Steve Foster’s pear-rum pie. Grab a cup of coffee and enjoy!