Historical Booklets by Mabel H. Knipe
Mabel Hoyle Knipe (1906-1997) was a longtime Fairhaven educator, teaching for 46 years in Fairhaven schools. She began her teaching career at Rogers School in 1928. From 1931 until her retirement in 1974, she taught at Fairhaven High School, where she was chair of the English Department. In her retirement, Mrs. Knipe was a passionate library volunteer, spearheading the Fairhaven Star research project and writing numerous booklets on town history, presented here.
History of the Fairhaven High School Alumni Association
Biography of John I. Bryant, Fairhaven selectman who held several other local posts
The founding of Rogers School
History of the Fairhaven Star newspaper
History of the Millicent Library
"Some Memories of Cara Leland Rogers Broughton, The First Lady of Fairhaven"
Booklet, "A compilation of fact and legend concerning the Tabitha Inn, now Our Lady's Haven, Fairhaven, Massachusetts"
Little Stories from a Small Town
Booklet containing "six narratives concerning the Town of Fairhaven and its people," dating to roughly 1869-1921.
History of Fairhaven Town Hall, built 1894
The story of Cushman Park
Some little-known philanthropy of Henry Huttleston Rogers
Fairhaven Histories and Historical Sketches
Early town history prepared by the Committee on Town History of the Fairhaven Old Home Week Association. Contains sections on the early history, civic history, religious history, commercial and industrial history, and educational history of Fairhaven.
Fairhaven, Massachusetts: Striving, Thriving Rising Fairhaven, 1910
Booklet issued by the Fairhaven Improvement Association to attract home seekers and business owners to the town. Includes photos and a brief historical sketch and description of the town.
"Two Lectures on the History of Fairhaven," 1919
1919 booklet presenting two lectures given by Franklin B. Dexter of Fairhaven. The first lecture is on "Early History of Fairhaven" and was delivered to the Fairhaven Improvement Association on January 03, 1888. The second is on "Life in Fairhaven at the Middle of the 19th Century" and was delivered on December 16, 1918.
Federal Writers' Project, Fairhaven, Massachusetts (1939)
History and contemporary portrait of Fairhaven, written by the United States Federal Writers' Project and sponsored by the Fairhaven Board of Selectmen.
"Old-Time Fairhaven: Erstwhile Eastern New Bedford," [Old-Time Fairhaven Volume I], 1947
The first of Charles A. Harris's three volume series on the history of Fairhaven. A full-text indexed PDF of the three volume set can be found at the Dartmouth Historical and Arts Society, here. Thanks to Max Isaksen for his work to transcribe and index these books.
"Whaleship to Spaceship" [Fairhaven Sesquicentennial Program], 1962
Program of exercises for Fairhaven's 150th anniversary. Includes historical sketches and a town chronology.
Old Dartmouth Historical Sketches, No. 1-30
Old Dartmouth Historical Sketches, No. 31-54
Essays and sketches on a number of historical topics, published by the Old Dartmouth Historical Society. Topics are focused on those towns that comprised Old Dartmouth: Dartmouth, New Bedford, Fairhaven, Westport, and Acushnet.
Fairhaven People
Samuel L. Clemens (Mark Twain)
Mark Twain and Fairhaven [Second edition, 1926]
Mark Twain and Fairhaven [Revised edition, 1976]
Read about Mark Twain's connection to Fairhaven in these historical booklets by historian and former library Trustee Earl J. Dias.
Manjiro Nakahama
"Presentation of a Samurai Sword to the Town of Fairhaven, Massachusetts" 04 July 1918
In June 1918, the Fairhaven Select Board received word that Viscount Ishii, Japanese ambassador to the United States would be visiting Fairhaven to present a samurai sword, a gift from Dr. Toichiro Nakahama. The presentation took place on July 4 in front of Town Hall. Among those in attendance was New Bedford Mayor Charles Ashley, the grandson of Captain William Whitfield, Thomas Whitfield who accepted the sword, and Lieutenant Governor Calvin Coolidge who gave the welcome address.
The sword, a 14th century Tachi sword worn in court ceremonies, was displayed at the Millicent Library until 1977 when it was stolen and never recovered.
"Presentation of a Samurai Sword to the Town of Fairhaven, Massachusetts" 12 June 1982
Several years after the theft of the sword received in 1918, Dr. Tadashi Kikuoka of Seton Hall University began raising funds for a replacement. Dr. Kikuoka was successful and on June 12, 1982 he presented Fairhaven with the Samurai sword that is currently on display in the Rogers Room of the Millicent Library.
Henry Huttleston Rogers
Dedication of the Memorial Monument to Henry Huttleston Rogers
Order of exercises for the dedication of the memorial to Henry Huttleston Rogers next to Fairhaven High School, dated 29 January 1912. Includes text of the address by George H. Tripp.
"Frenzied Finance" Volume I, 1906
Businessman Thomas Lawson's account of the story of Amalgamated Copper -- an attack on the "money kings," at Standard Oil, including Henry Huttleston Rogers. First published in magazine form and later in the volume presented here.
"Little Journeys to the Homes of Great Businessmen," 1909
Book by Elbert Hubbard with profiles of business tycoons of the day. See pages 127-164 for section on Henry Huttleston Rogers.
"Henry Huttleston Rogers: An Evaluation on the 150th Anniversary of His Birth"
1990 biographical sketch on Henry Huttleston Rogers, by Millicent Library trustee and historian Earl J. Dias.
See also: Fairhaven Office of Tourism, Henry Huttleston Rogers page
Local Subjects
Art and Architecture
Artists of This Vicinity, 1979
Publication of presentation on local artists first given in 1921 by Marion H. Campbell of Fairhaven.
Oscar Fay Adams, "A New England Architect," New England Magazine, March-August 1907, p.432-448
Article on the work of Charles Brigham, architect of the Millicent Library, Fairhaven Town Hall, Rogers Mansion, and the Unitarian Memorial Church and Parsonage [Harrop Center].
1850 address delivered at the consecration of Riverside Cemetery, Fairhaven, MA, by Thomas Dawes. Also includes by-laws of the corporation and an appendix.
Clubs and Organizations
"The Fairhaven Colonial Club," organized 1912
Constitution, by-laws, membership list, and a sketch of the club's history by Lemuel D. Eldred.
Fairhaven Improvement Association, 1903
Historical sketch, by-laws, and list of 1902-1903 officers for the Fairhaven Improvement Association (FIA), est. 1882.
Military History
A seventeen volume indexed compilation of the records of the Massachusetts soldiers and sailors who served in the army or navy during the Revolutionary War, available through the State Library of Massachusetts.
A nine volume compilation of records of Massachusetts soldiers, sailors, and marines who served during the Civil War, available through the State Library of Massachusetts. See also the National Park Service's Civil War Soldiers and Sailors database.
Fairhaven Honor Roll - World War II
This memorial was on Bridge Street. It listed the names of World War II veterans in Fairhaven. The panels have names missing. Help us fill in the blanks!
"Nathaniel Pope Day" Program, 1975
Program for "Nathaniel Pope Day" in Fairhaven, Massachusetts, commemorating the 200th anniversary of the first naval battle of the American Revolution. Includes a brief history of the battle by local historian Donald Bernard.
Millicent Library
Dedicatory Exercises, Millicent Library, Fairhaven, Mass
Order of exercises booklet, 30 January 1893.
Fiftieth Anniversary of the Millicent Library, Fairhaven, Mass.
Publication created for the 50th Anniversary of the Millicent Library, 31 January 1943. Includes a historical sketch and a description of anniversary celebration.
Schools and Town Departments
Dedication of Fairhaven Town Hall, 1894
Order of exercises booklet, 22 February 1894.
"About Our High School," revised version, 1966
History of Fairhaven High School, originally written by a senior English class in 1954 and revised by the editors of the school newspaper, "The Spray" in 1966. "A booklet to acquaint students, alumni, and friends of Fairhaven High School with little-known facts about the school."
Fairhaven High School Songs, 1913
A charming compilation of school songs published by the Fairhaven High School class in printing, 1913.
Fairhaven Fire Department: Special Rules for Protecting Society When on Duty
List of rules for Fairhaven firefighters to follow; also includes a list of personnel and fire alarm boxes in town. Undated.
View digitized logbooks from the collections of the New Bedford Whaling Museum of ships out of Fairhaven.