The MFA is an essential Boston experience and it’s definitely one of the most enjoyable things to do in the city. There’s lots to explore inside that massive museum filled with paintings, sculptures, and other relics. I appreciate the different cultures on display from all around the world, like the Greek, Roman, Egyptian, and European exhibits. I learn something new every time I visit. Besides the permanent art, the MFA is always adding new works and exhibits. In July they’re featuring a Salvador Dali exhibit, and I’m excited for that.
If you’re looking forward to a culturally enriching way to spend a day, try the MFA! When you reserve a pass from the library, it admits two adults and four youths at a rate of $10 each. If you’ve never been, you should go. And if you havent been, go again. It’s that good. Just maybe not during school vacation. I went on Christmas break and the line was out the door—you’ve been warned.
Review and photos by Gavin Santos, 2024