1. Present to owner the book and page number. May be obtained from tax bill or from Assessor’s Office.
2. Work back, reading information from the deeds.
3. If you read a deed that does not give previous book and page number, use the Grantor or Grantee’s Book, The books will be dated by years. These books contain the description of property and also the book and page number of deed.
NOTE: The Registry of Deeds is located at Sixth Street in New Bedford. Call them for hours of operation.
1. Draw plot plan with dimensions and abutters. Indicate building. These lots frequently change in size.
2. Always record book and page number, seller and buyer. You may want to refer back to it.
3. A house or building may hot always be recorded on deed, but may be referred to in abutter’s deed.
4. Very rarely will an accurate date be obtained as building permits were not issued. Use the deed that records “buildings there on” and then earlier deed without any reference to building date will then be “circa?”
Grantor = seller
Grantee = buyer
Drift way – Drive way, way, predecessor to street
Rod – 16.5
Link – 7.92”
Year – reference
Ells and wings added – approximate year
Important event or use of building – year – reference
Important people
In old deeds, the trade of owner is given. Using Harris as a reference you may find some interesting people who lived there.
Old-Time Fairhaven by Charles Harris, vols. l-3 may be found at the library.
Fairhaven Historical Commission